2020 is a year that nobody in the world will forget as it is the year of the Coronavirus Pandemic - now known as COVID-19 - the virus that has taken the world by storm.
Amidst the chaos, the world has been forced to take extreme measures, and governments are appealing to everyone to do the right thing to stop the spread. So the #newnorm is to #stayhome, and only go out if you need to buy food or to do other essential business.
Prior to the chaos, my family had made the decision to move back to Singapore for me to pursue an important career opportunity. This meant we had to sell our house in Sydney and find a new home, school and work in Singapore.
It has not been easy and there were several hurdles to jump across but we have been extremely blessed as we are on track to make the move in 10days.
My last day of work with my previous company was yesterday. So I've decided to revive my blog so that I can start posting some interesting content for my followers to keep them entertained and connected during this crucial time where social distancing might be making some of us feel lonely and helpless and bored.
For those who have been following my blog for years, thank you for your support! For those reading for the first time, my blog already has alot of content that might be of interest, but moving on, the blog content will be a reflection of these times, so do follow and hope you enjoy the posts.
Just sharing the picture of my last company farewell chat yesterday Friyay where we had an hour of fun on Zoom, connecting, playing a "guess who" game, celebrated farewells, and had fun with the myriad of background changes and introductions of family members. I will really really miss my ex-company family.
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