
Gardening - Celebrating some of my first times in my garden in Sydney

I've never had time to spend time in our backyard or garden so yesterday was a really good opportunity when my mother-in-law requested me to help her cut some lemongrass and vegetables from my garden to take back for cooking. 
I found the lemongrass easily and luckily I remembered my mil's advice to not forget to put those gloves on. 
still suffered some cuts on the right hand trying to get to the roots but with this much lemongrass, we were able to boil the refreshing lemongrass drink for the whole family. 
Although I don't especially tend to the garden much, our mint leaves grow really well and nice. They had been even during the drought. I cut a whole big bag of mint leaves which would be great for our next family dinner of pho. 
Last but not least, this was the plant in my garden which can be boiled to make a really healthy soup. I've always had the soup at bankstown but never realized I had the plant in my garden! So today was the first time I gathered the leaves for the soup that would be prepared tonight. 
It is really nice to be able to have plants from garden to table. I will definitely miss this when we move back to Singapore. 

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